Classes (1)
<img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> links :
AQA A-level Biology Revision - PMT
Satchel One | Learning platform
<img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> to-do list :
- [ ] psychology - lab report
- [ ] psychology - xmas homework
- [ ] psychology - workbook, pg11
- [x] history - informal empire research & poster
- [ ] history - usa textbook notes on pg37-44
- [ ] biology - catch up on yesterdays lesson and write up notes.
- [ ] revision - biochemical tests and do ppqs for polysaccharides lipids proteins & enzymes
<img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> ‘psychology paper one: core studies’ revision
<img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> ‘psychology paper two: research methods’ revision
<img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> ‘’biology paper one’ revision
- [x] glucose & polysaccharides - seneca, then blurting
- [x] glucose & polysaccharides - flashcards
- [ ] glucose & polysaccharides - look over old pmt ppqs, review what you got wrong before doing other ppqs / retrying pmt ppqs
- [x] lipids - blurting & flashcards
- [ ] lipids - look over old pmt ppqs and redo questions you got wrong
- [x] enzymes - blurting
- [x] enzymes - flashcards
- [x] also done enzyme notes
- [ ] enzymes - do ppqsnand review mistakes
- [x] proteins - blurt & flashcards
- [ ] proteins - do ppqs and review mistakes
- [ ] DNA & RNA structure (+ DNA replication) - watch a youtube video (whilst rereading notes) and do seneca
- [ ] DNA & RNA structure (+ DNA replication) - do pmt ppqs and review mistakes
- [ ] biochemical tests - flashcards
- [ ] ATP and water - flashcards and seneca
- [ ] (optional) ATP and water ppqs - sometimes not very applicable to the content we’ve covered so far
- [ ] mitosis - seneca and flashcards
- [ ] mitosis - look over old pmt ppqs and review mistakes, do more ppqs if available
- [ ] immunity - blurting + flashcards
- [ ] immunity - do pmt ppqs whilst reviewing mind map, then blurt again
- [ ] look passively over digestion and absorption (videos, reread notes etc)
- [ ] once ticking off a revision task, spend 5 minutes blurting content from the task two tasks ago (eg: when finished with ‘ATP and water - flashcards and seneca’, look over ‘DNA & RNA structure (+ DNA replication) - do pmt ppqs and review mistakes’
- [ ] youtube - watch videos on paper 1 maths ans biological drawing questions.
<img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> ‘’biology paper one’ common mistakes + points of revision
- [ ] 2 markers - always missing out the second mark, learn correct terminology (by just doing ppqs and seeing mark scheme) and always explain why this is relevant for the second mark.
- [ ] mitosis - keep using specific terminology eg: stages of mitosis (metaphase;anaphase etc). also do more mitosis diagram questions and get more familiar with what different stages of mitosis looks like in different diagrams. and do lots of maths questions related to mitosis as its common - eg: mean length of time in x phase.
- [ ] lipids - watch more videos and just double check how much you need to know about them in this stage, or maybe revisit when doing cell membrane structure?
<img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> ‘history: america & empire’ revision
- [ ] finish america notion notes
- [ ] america timeline
- [ ] america essay 1 and compare to a* essay
- [ ] memorise timeline, watch youtube videos (alanhistorynerd?) + old podcasts set as hw
- [ ] america essay 2 and compare to a* essay
- [ ] finish empire notion notes
- [ ] empire timeline
- [ ] empire youtube videos, podcasts, etc
- [ ] empire essay 1 and compare to a* essay